How Menopause Affects Heart Health With Dr. Alexandra Verge, ND
How Menopause Affects Heart Health With Dr. Alexandra Verge, ND
This week on the podcast, my special guest r. Alexandra Verge, ND talks about heart health in during a woman's menopausal years.
This is one of the most important conversations we need to have, especially as we age, and Dr. Verge answers all the important questions of what we must know, including some controversial topics!
Listen Now To Learn:
- What changes with a woman's heart as we age
- What are the known and hidden risk factors for heart health during menopause
- What is the role of chronic inflammation in terms of cardiovascular health in women in midlife and older
- What is cholesterol exposure and why we need to know about it
- Dr. Verge's take on salt intake for those eating a very low carbohydrate diet
- Helpful tips to improve heart health as we age
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About Dr. Alexandra Verge, ND
Dr. Alexandra Verge is naturopathic doctor, clinic owner, and speaker who has been in practice for over 20 years. Her pre-naturopathic degree in Nutritional Sciences is an area of interest she continues to highlight in her clinical work, particularly given her focus on cardiovascular health. She especially loves helping people better understand how high blood pressure and high cholesterol affect their current and future cardiovascular risk while developing manageable yet effective strategies to improve these same factors.
Her long-term goal is to showcase how integrative medicine can play a valuable role in cardiovascular care and help mitigate the global burden of cardiovascular disease.
Here is where you can find her:
- Pivot your Pressure - Top 3 Nutrition Tips for Blood Pressure download -
- Under Pressure Program =
under-pressure-confidence- from-within-podcast - Instagram -
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