Read This Book Before Your

Next Diet

This is not a book about weight loss, another diet trend or a magical solution you have not tried yet. This is instead a rebellion against hating our bodies and trying to change who we are. Together we will release all that no longer serves you, so you can get the body you want and make midlife, the best and healthiest years of your life. 

Read This Book Before
Your Next Diet

This is not a book about weight loss, another diet trend or a magical solution you have not tried yet. This is instead a rebellion against hating our bodies and trying to change who we are. Together we will release all that no longer serves you, so you can get the body you want and make midlife, the best and healthiest years of your life. 

Get The Most Amazing 


Your long-term success is important to me, so I curated an exclusive bonus collection, so you can go beyond the pages of this book.

🦋 Get my digital bonus collection, including advanced mini-trainings, my Belly Fat Buster Guide, The Inner Motivator Blueprint, and more!

🦋 Beautifully designed Wellness Contract, hand-drawn by an artist

🦋 'Happy Fat' Meditation to take your release practice deeper


Become Your Body's Best Friend In Midlife

Amazon Best Seller

Newsflash, your body's got your back, despite all the evidence of the contrary! Women spend so much energy and time fighting with their weight, depriving themselves, comparing their journey with someone else's, only to step on the scale and wish things were different.

Plus, in midlife, the rules of the game change. Hormones are shifting, stress is at an all time high, and what worked in your 20s and 30s does not seem to work anymore. This is your new playbook, so you can get back in control of your weight and become the leader of your health as you transition through menopause. 


At The Heart Of It All

I've wanted to write this book for the last 10 years, but I believe that every struggle I went through, every transformation, every new discovery I collected along the way were needed before this work was meant to be shared. I now have deep gratitude for my body, like two best friends, sharing our deepest secrets and helping one another.

What I came to realize over the last decade is that weight release is an internal game, and you my dear, are powerful beyond your wildest dreams. It is possible to look in the mirror and love what you see, to feel deeply in love with your life and body and to inspire other women to do the same. Now is your turn and I am delighted to show you the way.



I Have Three Wishes For You When You Read This Book:

  • You will, once and for all, understand that to change the body, you must first accept it just as it is 
  • You will release the scale, the need for external validation and find endless motivation from within
  • You will get into deep alignment with your essence, exit the comparison trap and become the most vibrant and confident version of yourself

Books ♡

#2 - Mind Games Undone

Gummies chocolate cake lemon drops brownie bonbon. Sweet roll caramels biscuit icing cookie icing candy lemon drops candy canes. Candy canes icing chocolate cake pudding marzipan croissant candy. Apple pie gingerbread oat cake I love caramels dragée. Ice cream wafer jujubes chocolate bar sesame snaps chocolate sweet I love bear claw.

Tiramisu cake pie lemon drops toffee apple pie I love tootsie roll candy. I love halvah jelly beans jelly-o powder caramels oat cake.


Love From Women Just Like You...

" This is a book I recommend for women before they start any weight loss program, as this focus on mindset is often missed by many. Mindset is so important, especially when the gremlins naturally start to sneak in when the initial momentum of doing a new weight loss program wears off.  Having a better understanding of my body and the impact of stress management on my weight has empowered me as I now know what is going on with my body as I age, making it easier to process and accept this new phase in my lifeIn 5 months of working with Juliana in her program, The Weight Release Shift, I have released 19  pounds and several inches. I have a better understanding of my body and a higher recognition of the importance of loving my (body) fat."
Tracy Sherriff - Host Of Scale Your Course Podcast
"I love the way Juliana works, there's no pressure, no judgement - only gentle guidance. By using the mindset principles in this book, I've been able to maintain my new eating habits 95% of the time and if my weight fluctuates due to eating out for celebrations, I don’t fret because I know that I can get back on track within a matter of days. I had tried two other weight loss companies in the past and neither worked for me. Juliana’s Release Method absolutely does - as long as you love yourself enough to want to change into a healthier person! The science behind her program, the Weight Release Shift, is irrefutable. Once you know what foods help or hinder your body, it's easy to know what to do. The fact that there's no calorie counting or guessing what you shouldn't eat was a huge bonus for me. "
Louise Bexton - Pygmalion House Design, Principal
"The principles in this book will change how women look at confidence within themselves, especially when it comes to feeling healthier. Juliana’s ‘real food’ approach to weight release has allowed me to maintain a healthy weight that I feel good about. I don’t deprive my body or my soul when it comes to eating well. Her unique scientific approach to how our body changes in midlife was a real eye opener for me. The way Juliana teaches how real foods impact blood sugar, and how our bodies burn fat and calories helped me look at food differently. Since completing her program, I have been able to maintain long-term how to manage my blood sugar levels naturally and how it impacts my cravings."
Tracy Teskey - Founder of Design Your Reality
" Juliana's approach to releasing weight is truly unique and so natural for women over 40. The way she explains what happens to our bodies once we hit 40 is eye opening and it has helped me gain clarity on how I could change the way I look at it. My hormones hit me out of the blue when I turned 40, people warned me but I didn't believe them. My emotions also started to change and I know that is true for many women. If we don't learn what to do about it, it is easy to feel frustrated, anxious and stressed. Juliana shares her amazing knowledge in a fun and easy way to grasp, so we can make changes that give us back our energy and vitality. This book is a must for women transitioning through menopause and wanting to deepen their relationship with their bodies. "
Louise Hopkin -Founder of The Space Reclaimers


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About the Author

Juliana Leamen is an award-winning author and the founder of Naturally Joyous Inc. She is a Holistic Menopause Transition Expert and the host of 'Confidence From Within' Podcast. She is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Board Certified by The American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners, University- trained with a Masters degree in Science, Registered Bach Flower Practitioner and trained in human behavior by the Demartini Institute.

She is on a mission to provide a new model of care for weight loss for women during menopause transition and post-menopause, what she calls weight release, moving away from the ‘diet mindset’ and helping women find confidence from within.


About the Author

Juliana Leamen is an award-winning author and the founder of Naturally Joyous Inc. She is a Holistic Menopause Transition Expert and the host of 'Confidence From Within' Podcast. She is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Board Certified by The American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners, University- trained with a Masters degree in Science, Registered Bach Flower Practitioner and trained in human behavior by the Demartini Institute.

She is on a mission to provide a new model of care for weight loss for women during menopause transition and post-menopause, what she calls weight release, moving away from the ‘diet mindset’ and helping women find confidence from within.