We help women over 50

balance hormones & release emotional weight 

re-wire your choices

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You’ve tried every diet, counted, measured… 

... and yet, the scale won't budge and you feel your body has a mind of its own!


If that is you, you are not alone! Traditional weight loss models are based on fewer calories, more exercise, and an external set of goals like a lower number on the scale.

By contrast, weight release is an internal game, it is the shift you have been looking for to achieve long-lasting results.

We help women in their 50s and 60s release weight permanently, through the power of functional DNA testing and deep emotional support.



“One of the reasons I chose your program is because it is not about guilt, shame, or regrets. It is about recognizing what we need and empowering us to discover, listen and possibly adjust our true inner priorities to be proud of the body we have and live our best lives accordingly”

Laura M. - valued client and amazing woman

 As Seen On


Work With Me

If you are tired of struggling with stubborn midlife weight gain, you are in the right place!


A bit about me...

Given my training in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, Functional Genomics and years studying human behaviour, I apply the mind-body connection to the field of weight loss, bringing you an unique approach to this complex problem.

Much of my early interest in holistic modalities come from my grandfather, who has inspired me to pursue this career and who taught me many things, through his own commitment of being a life-long learner.

Now, I dedicate my career to helping women in their 50s and 60s release weight permanently, through the power of functional DNA testing and behavioral changes, so they can find healthier ways to cope with stress and master their emotions.

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Our Client Results

 We love seeing the progress our clients make. Will you be our next success story?!

success stories of menopause weight loss for women

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