In-Person On July 5th, 2024 (Time To Leave The Boardroom!)

Get Your Ticket



Life is full, busy, non stop...

... but as a leader, making time for a rest-stop is as important as pushing ahead.


How did Fall get here so fast?

The holiday season is fast approaching, so let's be intentional about how we invest our time as we close another year, and together, let's get present, make time for reflection and self-care.


This is your permission to put the busyness on hold...

....and come join us for an exclusive retreat, dedicated to women like you, so you can press pause, get inspired and refill your cup.

As we focus on releasing what no longer serves us, we become able to tap into a great level of joy and live life from a place of overflow!

And the best part?! You don't have to do it alone, because our Leader Inspired growing community got your back,

Here you are welcome, loved, seen, understood and supported. It is time for us to join forces so we can lead with brave hearts towards our bold futures, while having the health to enjoy it!



Where: The Beauty Barn, located at 205 Cleaver Rd, Brantford, ON N3R 0B8

When: October, 2024

🧘‍♀️ Guided relaxation & reflection time in nature

🤝 Exclusive female speakers

🍹Social gathering & wellness-inspired networking 

🥗 Healthy lunch included (we are happy to accommodate your dietary preferences)

Hosted by: Kimberly Snider from PeopleBrain,  Juliana Leamen from Naturally Joyous Inc. & Corrie Gallant from The Beauty Barn

Time To Press Pause!

Join Us At The Beauty Barn


We know it can get stressful
at the top...


We women are trained, from an early age, to do it all. We run businesses (or demanding careers), our households, we carry the weight of our family's needs and support those we love. And yet, when we look at our to-do list, we often don’t make the cut.

For far too long, we were led to believe that we can (and even should) lead from an empty tank, because words such hustle, being humble and self-sacrifice seem to be pre-requisites of success, in the male-centric business world.

We are here to show you that instead, by prioritizing your wholeness and finding a network of cheerleaders of your own brilliance, we women can refuel and achieve incredible heights in our businesses, without compromising our health or that which matters most to us. 

Now, imagine if in a single day, you could...

Drill down to the core Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

Develop a clear roadmap to solve that problem, or Lorem ipsum....Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

Leave feeling with confidence and clarity lorem ipsum....Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.


That's what this Event is all about.


If you are ready to reach your next level from a place of inspiration, join us for this event, where you will:

  • Join a circle of other inspiring women, so you can connect with like-minded powerhouses
  • Say goodbye to pushing your body, and make the time to relax, enjoy nature & and make time for reflection
  • See your brilliance reflected by other leaders building lives they love
  • Leave inspired, with your cup full, by stories and lessons of other women doing amazing things in the world! 

It takes strength to press pause...

... but together we can accomplish great things. The freedom that comes from living an inspiring life at your own terms is intoxicating, so we welcome you to join us and to re-imagine what is possible for you, so you can build the life of your dreams, while having the health and wellness to enjoy it! 




  Welcome to the retreat

❖ Time to be announced

  Guided relaxation & reflection time in nature

❖ Time to be announced 

  Exclusive female speakers

❖ Details to be announced

  Social gathering & wellness-inspired networking 

 Details to be announced 

  Healthy lunch included

 We are happy to accommodate your dietary preferences  

  Accommodations (Paris, Ontario)

❖ A block of rooms will be reserved. Dinner & next day brunch are included with the VIP package


Who is this for?

This special event is for you if...

You are a female leader, ready to push pause, refill your cup and join a group of powerful women leading the way to a bold future

A busy professional who juggles career and family responsibilities, looking to connect with other women in a fun and inspiring event

A female powerhouse, living a life you love, making an impact and ready to connect with like-minded individuals 

Here Is What's Included

Here Is Why To Attend This Event...

1. Your Health Is Your Wealth

The time to push at the expense of your health is over! This event is your permission to make time for yourself, to nourish your mind, learn new things, connect with powerful women and welcome inspiration and new ideas to help you thrive for the rest of the year. Your health is part of your legacy, as you take better care of you, you model to the next generation how to be leaders of their own lives!

You don't have to do this alone

High achievers naturally challenge each other, we see each other, we cheer each other up, we lift each other during hard moments. There is nothing more powerful than a group of like-minded women coming together and this event is a blend of mind-body-and-business to help you master all areas of life

You have permission to put your mask first

Even though we've all heard it a million times to put our masks first, most women don't do it! Come join us to learn how to release the expectation of others, set boundaries that say yes to you, and see your life (and health) improve!

You get to have fun too!

This event would not be complete without a good dose of fun and high vibes! We will be hosting a Wellness Social so you can network with other amazing women, while caring for your body!


Join us to learn from women like you, who are paving their way to the top, while taking great care of their wellbeing. This is not only possible, but it is the way towards living the life of dreams, and it starts now!

Save The Date

October 2024 - Date To Be Announced Soon


Event Ticket

Oct, 2024


Event +Accommodations

Oct, 2024


Please note that a percentage of the proceedings will be donated to a charity that supports women in need

About Your Event Hosts

Hey there, this is Kimberly, Juliana & Corrie, your #1 cheerleaders!

Juliana Leamen

Naturally Joyous Inc.

Juliana Leamen is the founder of Naturally Joyous Inc. She is a Board Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, University- trained with a Masters degree in Science, Certified Functional Genomics Practitioner, and trained in human behavior. Juliana is the host of Confidence From Within, and the author of Release - A Woman's Guide To Releasing Weight In Midlife Through Becoming Your Body's Best Friend. Juliana helps women optimize their health through functional DNA testing, with a specialty in weight release for women in their mid 40s to late 60s. Learn more at https://www.naturallyjoyous.ca

Kimberly Snider

People Brain

Kimberly Snider is an accredited Leadership Coach and Professional Human Resources Consultant.  She is host of the OVERflow the podcast.  Kimberly is a relentless student of Emotional Intelligence, and Positive Psychology.  She works with individual high-achiever women, leaders of teams and businesses, creating a confidential, safe coaching relationship so that they can lead thriving, high-performing teams, values-aligned employee engagement and sincerely, success - in life - currently, in this role. Learn more at https://peoplebrain.ca

Corrie Gallant

The Beauty Barn Owner

Corrie is an award winning esthetician and she has a background in esthetics, massage, medical esthetics and oncology esthetician. She is the owner of The Beauty Barn. Located in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. She is also the founder of the amazing annual event  ‘Awakening to Better Beauty’, dedicated to serving women going through cancer treatment. Corrie was given the title of the Ambassador of The World Wellness Weekend for Brantford & Brant & in 2023 she was officially mandated as the wellness ambassador of Ontario. Learn more at https://thebeautybarnspa.com/

Many Thanks To Our Sponsors

Save The Date

October 2024 - Date To Be Announced Soon


Event Ticket

Oct, 2024


Event +Accommodations

Oct, 2024


Please note that a percentage of the proceedings will be donated to a charity that supports women in need

Have A Question?

No problem. You can reach us at
[email protected]

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We'll get back to you as soon as possible.